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With Patzer Power you can focus on discover your strengths and assets and make them work for you.

◼ You get techniques to develop your self-confidence and self-assurance.

◼ Patzer Power includes systemic coaching to remove family burdens and disruptive behaviors.
With a clairvoyant Reading in your Morphic Field you allow yourself to take control of your life.

◼ The clairvoyant Seer Training is your chance to learn how to read your and the field of others.

◼ Many people from around the world and all walks of life have already experienced the positive effects of everything that PatzerPower provides. Whether it’s online or in person, my clients experience more freedom, more happiness, and live healthier relationships.

Who wouldn’t want that?

You are not the problem.
Many people perceive themselves as a problem. This comes from issues, traditions, values, judgments, principles and habits inherited in the family and formed in childhood and adolescence.

People are not problems from my systemic experience, they are pure potentials and „only“ carriers of problems. Like emotional backpacks, they drag the problems of their ancestors or break from them.

„That’s how we always did it.“

„Blood is thicker than water.”

We all know these well-intentioned, but in the core very cruel sayings. This is where systemic psychology and coaching comes in.

When your backpack gets too heavy for you, you take it off and take out ballast. That’s exactly what we do in your solution-focused systemic coaching. I offer you a variety of techniques and methods to free yourself from your burden.

It’s all about your self-determined and self-realized potential. Your path to more freedom, ease and above all happiness.

I am here for you.

The morphic field is a holistic field. It is perceived only through our concentric subconsciousness. As a clairvoyant born human, I am able to see this energetic field through my third eye.

A large majority of people are connected to the linear, rational consciousness. This means that these people see the world separately from themselves and everything they desire. They live in a lack of awareness.

Me, on the other hand, can see both and through this I perceive everything in abundance, diversity and flow.

The field is called morphic because it morphs, it changes constantly. It pulsates and vibrates concentrically in all directions out of itself. It is the energy that flows through and connects us and everything. It stores all the information of everything that lives.

You have your own individual field, everything that belongs to you is stored there. All the information of your female and male ancestral lineage, your childhood and adolescence, your present situation and all your previous incarnations of your soul are available there. That is your past and present, and it is written.

No one can predict the future. What I can do is, I can see and tell you the tendencies, the directions, and the dynamics for every topic you ask about your future. You then decide, based on your free will, which direction you will take and how you want to be responsible for it.

You choose your path consciously.

When you come to me for your reading, whether online or in person, I connect with your field – your subconscious. With your reading you start to take your life more and more into your own hands. Your soul wakes up from the linear into its concentric consciousness, I help you and accompany you. Everything I read for you based on your questions is only helping for self-help. Because self-responsibility, clear decisions, self-love and come into actions will make you happy. Let me use my clairvoyance for you, so that you get all the information’s to take your life completely in your hands.

You can also decide to become a Seer on your own in the 4 day traing. I will train you on clairvoyant abilities and how to use it benevolently for yourself and others. Anyone can learn this.

You are important.

Wether online via Zoom or in person, you decide.

Would you like to use PatzerPower coaching and reading at your location? If you wish, I will visit you at your home or your chosen location. Please note that travel expenses will be added.

Give a voucher as a gift!

Voucher PatzerPower - Card of 1
Card of 1 = 142€ (incl. VAT)
Voucher PatzerPower - Card of 5
Card of 5 = 654€ (incl. VAT)
Voucher PatzerPower - Card of 10
Card of 10 = 1.190€ (incl. VAT)
*After sending the amount, a personalized voucher will be created. Please also send the name of the recipient.


Systemic Coaching

You are important.

The advantage of coaching is:
◼ You become more and more able to communicate your needs clearly
◼ You no longer get caught up in toxic relationships
◼ You set healthy boundaries for yourself, doesn’t matter if it’s within your family or work place

Your systemic coaching brings order and structure into your life. You find out what you want to achieve. You learn how to transform your weaknesses and triggers into strengths. You get step-by-step instructions to work with it at home. This allows you to free yourself from family burdens.

Experience what many clients have experienced before you, you have never been the problem, you were just the carrier.
Let it go. Free yourself from negative dramas.
Allow yourself to breathe freely again. Trust in what you really need and book your appointment now.

If you want to get the best out of your life, too – then book your appointment today:

Systemic Coaching

10% Offer

Card of 5 = 550 € +VAT

Systemic Coaching

15% Offer

Card of 10 = 1000 € +VAT

Systemic Coaching


1h = 120 € +VAT


Systemic Couple Coaching

You are important.

10 Benefits of a systemic couple coaching:
◼ Couple communication: more understanding & more recognition
◼ Boundaries: more respect: „How can I love you and be loved by you?“
◼ Cross-cultural relationships: more love: the relationship as a 2nd home
◼ Sexuality: more space & more playfulness: „Who am I and who are you?
◼ Desire for children: more liveliness = more of us

◼ Family: inheritance – more independence
◼ Finances: more investment & more trust: The emotional bank account!
◼ Self-realization: more development & more friction: tradition (duty) vs. freedom (responsibility)
◼ Alternative forms of relationship: more security, more liveliness, more organization
◼ End of a relationship: more change – more realization – more preservation

Your systemic coaching brings order and structure into your life. You find out what you want to achieve. You learn how to transform your weaknesses and triggers into strengths.

Ready to invest in your relationship? Book your appointment now

Systemic Coaching

10% Offer

Card of 5 = 675 € +VAT

Systemic Coaching

20% Offer

Card of 10 = 1200 € +VAT

Systemic Coaching


1h = 150 € +VAT


Seer Reading

You are important - Reading in your field

◼ You receive the exact information for your positive change in your life. That is your chance to create a huge impact.
◼ You get everything you need to love yourself unconditionally, just the way you are. This is how you allow yourself to grow and strengthen your effectivity.
◼ You receive your emotional road map. Thus, you know exactly which direction you take for the future. This is how you enrich your life.

To positively influence your reading, you prepare yourself. You write down all your questions and issues. In your session you allow me to connect with your field on a spiritual level. I clairvoyantly read your subconscious – your field. With my eyes closed, I focus on your questions. I share the images I receive with you unfiltered. You record your reading via voice memo. This allows you to listen to everything again later and process it better.

Most of the clients have already tried different offers like therapy, retreats and coaching, only with the reading in their field they were able to finally solve their issues.

The trust my customers place in me leads them to tremendous positive changes and results. This is one of the reasons why many of them are always coming back and use the reading for their development.

If you also would like to profit from my innate clairvoyant, book your appointment now:

Seer Reading

10% Offer

Card of 5 = 550 € +VAT

Seer Reading

15% Offer

Card of 10 = 1000 € +VAT

Seer Reading


1h = 120 € +VAT



You are important - becoming a clairvoyant seer

◼ You help people to help themselves.
◼ You learn to read for yourself and others in the field.
◼ You develop your clairvoyant abilities.
◼ You get holistic access to your subconscious.

Step by step you will be guided safely. You learn how to use the potential of the field pragmatically.
You will receive simple and understandable basic knowledge from systemic psychology.
Mindfulness training and meditation round off the 4 days.

Equipped with the script and materials, you can easily apply the concept in your everyday life.
An important part of the training is how to build up your own seer business.

Everyone who has taken the training reports that they have realized more meaning and more fulfillment in their lives.
Everyone has opened up more and they have more confidence. The magic and incredible energy of the field has helped them a lot.
No one could have imagined this before and now they are living it.

Would you like to embark on this exciting journey and adventure too? Don’t hesitate. Your hidden clairvoyant powers are calling to get liberated. Sign up today.
I highly recommend to do the training together with your friends. Not only do you gain a price advantage till 40 % it’s more intense and fulfilling to learn and grow together, right?

Term: 4 days, 8 hours per day
Whether online or in presence, you can choose between the following offers:

4 Days Seer Training

20% Offer

From 2s à 3900 € +VAT

4 Days Seer Training

40% Offer

From 4s à 2900 € +VAT

4 Days Seer Training


Single 4900 € +VAT

Further questions? - You are important! Write me a short message. I'll get back to you immediately. Looking forward to hear from you.

Contact form:

General questions:

Consultaions, bookings & appointments:
Fon: +49 178 7777 690
Mail: info@patzerpower.com


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